Tips, tricks, tutorials, and recommended solutions to your security and privacy problems.
How Many Joules of Surge Protection Do You Need?
Slow Router: Why Do Routers Slow Down Over Time?
Has Your Internet Router Been Hacked? And How To Secure It
How and Why to Change Your Router Security Settings (Made Simple)
How Many Devices is Too Many for a Router? [WiFi Dropping Fix]
What to Do With Old Routers: Useful Projects & Repurposing [How-To]
How to Schedule Your WiFi Router to Turn Off
Should You Leave Your Router On All The Time, Or Turn Off At Night?
Router Antennas: In Which Direction Should They Point?
Router Location: Best Spot to Place a Router in a 2-Storey House
What To Do if Your Router is Too Far Away From Your PC [Simple Fixes]
Router Admin Page: Can’t Access [Easy Fix]
Router 5GHz Band Stopped Working [Fix]
Router Suddenly Stopped Working (After Storm, Power Outage; Lights Out)
Router Humming, Buzzing or Clicking? Noises Explained & What to Do