How DNS Works and How to Keep It Secure

By SB •  Updated: 09/12/24 •  6 min read

The Domain Name System (DNS) is like the internet’s address book, helping your computer turn website names (like into IP addresses (like so it can find and connect to the right website. It makes using the internet simple for us, but there are some security issues that can make it risky if not properly managed.

This guide will walk you through how DNS works, how attackers can target it, and what you can do to keep your DNS safe with simple steps.

How DNS Works (in 5 Easy Steps)

When you want to visit a website, your computer follows these steps:

  1. You Type a Domain Name: You enter in your browser.
  2. Your Browser Asks a DNS Resolver: The browser sends a query to a DNS resolver, which acts like a helpful assistant looking for the answer.
  3. DNS Resolver Checks the Cache: If the resolver has looked up this website recently, it might already have the answer saved (in its cache) and can send it to you right away.
  4. DNS Resolver Asks Around (if needed): If the resolver doesn’t know the answer, it asks other DNS servers:
    • Root Servers: These send the resolver to the right Top-Level Domain (TLD) server, such as the one for .com.
    • TLD Server: This server points the resolver to the Authoritative DNS server for the specific domain, like
    • Authoritative DNS Server: This server knows the correct IP address for and sends it back to the resolver.
  5. The Answer is Returned: The DNS resolver sends the IP address back to your browser, which then connects to the website’s server.

Key DNS Parts to Remember

Examples of DNS Records

DNS doesn’t just map domain names to IP addresses. Here are a few types of DNS records:

Common DNS Security Problems (and How to Fix Them)

DNS is fundamental, but it’s also a target for attackers. Here are some common DNS security concerns and how you can protect yourself:

1. DNS Spoofing (AKA DNS Cache Poisoning)

What It Is: Attackers trick your DNS resolver into sending you to a fake website by feeding it bad information. For example, you type, but the attacker makes your resolver send you to a malicious site that looks like your bank’s website.

How to Prevent It:

2. DNS Amplification Attack (DDoS Attack)

What It Is: Attackers use open DNS resolvers to flood a target server with huge amounts of data, overwhelming it and causing it to crash. This is part of a Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attack.

How to Prevent It:

3. DNS Tunneling (Data Theft)

What It Is: Attackers use DNS queries to carry hidden data, often to send sensitive information out of a network, bypassing security controls.

How to Prevent It:

5 Quick Actions to Secure Your DNS

  1. Switch to a Secure DNS Provider: Change your DNS to a trusted provider like Google DNS ( or Cloudflare DNS ( This ensures you’re using a secure, reliable service.
  2. Enable DNSSEC: Ensure your DNS provider supports DNSSEC to prevent DNS spoofing. If you run a website, enable DNSSEC for your domain to add a layer of protection for your visitors.
  3. Monitor DNS Traffic: Keep an eye on DNS queries made on your network. Set up alerts for abnormal DNS activity to detect potential tunneling or spoofing.
  4. Disable Open Resolvers: If you manage a DNS server, make sure it’s not an open resolver to prevent DDoS amplification attacks.
  5. Use DNS Filtering: Set up DNS filtering to block known malicious sites, adding a protective barrier between you and harmful domains.

Key Takeaways

By understanding how DNS works and following these security best practices, you can keep your browsing safe and secure while enjoying a fast, reliable internet experience.


I've been practicing OSINT and utilizing Linux as my daily operating system for over twenty years. The tools are always changing and so I'm always learning, but helping you understand the value of protecting your own data remains at the forefront of everything I do.

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